2024 CSA: Whole Share, June - November (23 weeks)

Enjoy a share of the farm's bounty -- everything from arugula to zucchini! 

What is included: 

This full season (23 weeks from June - November) Whole-Size share includes 10 units per pickup (an average of 10-20 pounds of food). A “unit” is the amount of a specific produce item that is available that week. For instance, a "unit" could be 1 head lettuce, 0.5 lb kale, 1 melon, 2 leeks, or 2 lbs potatoes.

We recommend this share size for households of 3+ members.

This share includes Pick Your Own, in which CSA members get to pick specific smaller items (flowers, small fruits, cherry tomatoes, etc.) directly from our fields over the course of the season in addition to the units in their weekly share. 

How it works: 

Our CSA distribution is operated market-style at our farm so that households can choose what they like and will eat. Members will pick up weekly on either Tuesdays (2:30 - 6:30PM) or Saturdays (9-12PM). You will use the name given at checkout to sign in at distribution. 


The retail price of this share is $1,040 up front for 23 weeks (or about $45.50 per week).

This share does not include a work-exchange commitment. If working on the farm in exchange for a lower share price sounds interesting to you, please return to our Browse CSA Shares page and look for our “Workshare” options. Even if you are not interested in a work-exchange, we love having volunteers on the farm! Sign up for our volunteer list here. 

Sliding Scale Discounts & Other Affordable Share Options: 

We offer unlimited access to Payment Plans, a limited number of Sliding Scale discounts, work-exchange shares, and deeply discounted grant-funded shares to help bring the cost of this share within reach. Please visit our “Sliding Scale & Payment Plans” page for information about these options, and additional guidance about whether a sliding scale may be right for you. 

Our Sliding Scale discounts of 5-20% off are available in the drop down menus below. These are for CSA members whose financial circumstances would prohibit their participation in CSA. (For instance, members who may be supporting children, struggling to maintain access to healthcare or housing, or navigating significant debt.) We ask you to practice mindfulness as you choose your share, as this supports our efforts to ensure an equitable and accessible experience for all.

As of 2/15, we are outside our regular Payment Plan period. For any potential member who is still in need of a payment plan, please contact our office: pfpadmin@farmproject.org

  • Sale
  • Regular price $1,040.00